This morning my left hip hurts. Still going to go running.
Meditation good this morning. Cleaning and talked to a friend who is amazing w/ all the health things she’s discovered and researched for her own body and her family. Advocated for her son who has ADD and just had his review w/ the school staff involved in IEP’s. They all agreed he is an amazing kid who is kind, smart and has ADD. He has almost no ability to focus. They are so relieved he’ll have help now going forward.
Got the bamboo cages up last night and worked for several hours on that.
What stood out yesterday to me was the image of a bird came up twice.
I was trying to look at the week and not feel frustrated. How am I going to just keep plodding along w/ all these huge projects that are made up of a ton of tiny tasks w/o getting frustrated? Discouraged?
The phrase, “Bird by bird'“ came to mind from Ann Lamott’s famous book on writing.
How do you write a giant report on birds, Dad? “Bird by bird.”
So yeah, just keep at it every single day and things slowly happen. It really does happen. The garden is about moving my body and becoming more food sufficient and having skills that are more life-time helpful, not just related to technology. People have always known how to grow their own food and now we basically don’t. I want that skill back. I want to learn it all. What we used to know that’s lost, that I want to recover. That’s a lot of what people are doing now. Rediscovering and also, discovering new things.
I need to finish my movie for the photography class today then I’m done w/ that phase of life for now.