Being 52, I think I’m finally realizing there are things in life I sort of want to do that I probably won’t. I guess the decision then is do I want to try and accomplish some modified version of these things or just let it all go.
Start a hiking club for kids
Run a Camp Fire Kids club at a low-income school
Teaching parenting and life skills classes
Have an etsy business selling a cool product I make
Be a spiritual director
Be an astronaut
Be a writer
Be a sociologist and do research on cultures and families
Work at a camp that teaches outdoor skills, rites of passage, etc.
Start a network of groups of people coming together to learn about healthy spirituality, share practical life skills, take care of kids
Be a comedian
Be a yoga instructor
Be excellent at investing
This is pretty funny to lay it all out.
On a different note, I was sick on Sunday evening, really sick with food poisoning. We drove to PDX, dropped off Jay then headed up the Gorge to home.
It turns out, there was a winter storm warning, and I got caught in it. I was terrified for a while, a good couple hours of driving. I limped into Kennewick as I think they were closing the roads. I had to drive about 40 mph a good chunk of the last two hours. When big semi's would pass, I couldn’t see because the windshield wipers weren’t working.
I have never been so happy to see a hotel and get into it. I barely ate, but it was so warm and cozy and Hazel liked it too. So grateful.