This is a fascinating article about how individualism has made people’s lives worse. The lack of focus on obvious community in the age of Trump, where you are the one in control of your destiny.
The GOP used to own the narrative of family values but they’ve completely given that over to anyone else interested. It’s an interesting perspective.
I saw two providers today about my bod, PT and massage. It was a really good massage, alot of helpful tips and a new stretch to add in. She also explained more than anyone else has how the accident pulled and jerked my body to end up with the issues I have now. Helpful stuff. I just keep learning.
Tonight, I’m really tired and weary. All this stuff with our parents and the house is pretty messy and dirty. I have an assignment due tomorrow, my last big one for photo class. I still have to do the video though.
It’s weird, but I just don’t have energy right now to clean or do anything like that. I’m trying to listen to my body and what I feel my soul and body is telling me about our house, our life, our belongings, etc. Do I need to hire a housekeeper again? Am I ready to downsize? I have no idea what’s going on. I’m tired of thinking about all these things. I’d love to write and work and live. I sometimes wish I lived in a hotel.
I’ve felt like I shouldn’t do a housecleaner while I wasn’t working, but I’m starting to work again. Today I did an hour of lead gen work on this trip to San Fran next week. That’s very new for me. Also went to a meeting at work. So several hours of work today that I would normally spend cleaning. I can’t fit it all in. I guess I just don’t want to fit it all in. I wonder if other people feel this way.
I could call my nephew and see if he’s interested. He cleans for his grandma.
I’m just out of sorts, tired, wishing for some direction in my life. I feel depressed today for no reason. I guess the above reasons are enough. Yeah, all the responsibilities get to me. It makes me just want to go to bed or watch TV with wine and chocolate.
I did volunteer tonight at the new location for the thrift store. That was cool.
I wonder what I’ll do with all my time when I’m no longer seeing doctors all the time. Sometimes I think I’ve used it to not get started doing anything else because I’m scared. Just the past few months, I actually have enough energy to consider something else which is why I took this photography class. So just a few months I guess.
So this zero energy has been going on the last few weeks. It might be stress, the weather, the business, just the blues in general.
Probably the most positive thing which feels weird is I am having good boundaries with the parents and siblings.
You don’t have to set yourself on fire to keep others warm
- The Mental Man