In therapy today, we again discussed how hard it's been to work with your partner.
We discussed my Enneagram type and wings, and how hard it is for someone with trauma as well as my types to be in such stressful situations with people, day in and day out.
I told the story about how years ago I heard God say, 'You are living the story" and also, "You need to let me run your company". She was intrigued by that. I cried because I saw how I’ve contributed to the culture we’ve created, and I’m finally seeing that as my tension and anxiety and stuff goes down. I was having heart issues again and just having a hard time sleeping with all of this stress and change again. I stopped drinking too which has been great. It just wasn’t helping at all and was making me feel sick.
I'm a One with a Nice wing and Nine's seek peace and harmony wherever they go. Ones want to find the right way to do something. None of these work great in the fluid and changing environment a start-up business often finds itself.
So as the week went on, and we had these morning meetings, I felt like we were synching up and getting on the same page. I also am seeing how I can help and where I can’t help, where I need to let Jay do this to some degree on his own.
We’ve wanted all of these helpers before and we haven’t had them. We need to do it now, he needs to do it. This is part of his journey. We have made so, so, so many mistakes. It seems impossible that people who have made as many mistakes as us are still in business.
I read recently that the definition of success has always been getting up one more time than you've been knocked down.
Yep. Yep. Yep.
As we say sometimes to each other riffing off of Monty Python, "Not dead yet!"
I hope we can make it, both the marriage and the business.