We still have people in our life that want to be our friends. I made a big dinner to celebrate the winter birthdays with our neighbors. Jay is late February, Ann is mid-March. We feasted on meatloaf and a black bean cake which is better than it sounds. They seemed to appreciate it.
The energy of friends never ceases to amaze me. How being with other people lifts you out of your head, out of the doldrums, out of whatever it is you're thinking about and living in the moment.
Sometimes that warmth lasts just for the time you're together; sometimes it acts as a reset button.
The things that lift me up out of the worst days are not typically complicated things. This is not new, to go hang out with good people that you share life, memories, and friendship with. It's like a duck discovering it'd be great to swim to catch food. We humans seem to be shocked into learning how we really need to be, all the time. We're always looking for a silver bullet or something new and different to spice things up.
No, we are not that flexible. We are born to connect and not only do we feel better when we do, we feel worse when we don't. Come on, people. Let's make this a habit, okay?
The day otherwise was full of a few meetings, errands and chores. The stuff of life. I escaped to Aunties to buy some cards and just be distracted before everyone came over. I have my vices, but at least a few of them are only on display at bookstores.