I spent time today finishing up the review for the President of the board I am on.
I continue to be ruffled by how this organization is run. I am trying to put some standards in place for this review process, but I've made it clear it feels like this is a giant waste of time when there is no accountability or follow-up with the results of the review. I say this every year, and every year the president continues to do largely what he's going to do.
Non-profits often are poorly run mainly due to being stretched too thin. I get that. There just isn't an integrity within the soul of the organization to make this a priority.
So I get it, but this is just another activity that feels worthless to me, feels like it's a waste of my time, feels like I'm off in some field somewhere completely disconnected from anything I feel passionate about.
I don't need more activities like this in my life right now; I need life-giving activities.
The one big positive about this experience is we've made close friendships with two families, one on the board and one that's a donor. We stay at either of their homes when we're in LA for the meeting, and that has been a rich experience. I hope it's worth it, meaning, I hope that's been worth all this work. I think it is.
We've needed frequently to get away from work and get a break. I know we wouldn't have done that had we not had these meetings planned that we had to attend. So sun, a break and friendship in exchange for some meeting and prep time.
Yeah, I'd say we're still coming out on top.
We leave for the board meeting early next week, so I'm ahead of schedule in being prepared. I don't know what to think of how this meeting will go down. I'm not excited to sit with the president and lead his review, but it's probably a good experience for me.
So, i'll amend my list: sun, a break, professional experience and friendship.