I keep pondering the many, many wise things shared in our tiny but strong community the other night.
In addition to highlights mentioned yesterday, M shared how when we're kinder to ourselves, we can be kinder to others. Shout this from the rooftops!
I had lunch w/ my parents today. They both have increasingly more limiting health issues. They still live completely independent in the apartment in my step-sister's home in the woods. It's a lovely, spacious home for them, and I'm grateful they have it to live in as they age. They have too many fears, stoked by much of the media they consume.
I had a few minutes before they showed up to center myself. I wanted to love them. I didn't want to get activated. I wanted to focus on how wonderful they both are. I wanted to not force an agenda. I wanted to show love. I wanted to listen.
And what happened? They wanted to talk. They needed to talk about the things that they're struggling with, mainly Mom's dementia. I didn't feel shaky or anxious. I mainly asked questions and listened, tried to respond based on what they said. It felt mature and loving, and I was calm.
This feels like everything to me.
I am beyond grateful for alternatives to the sick chatter in my mind, the option to live a full life with whatever shows up.