I picked beautiful, yellow spring weeds yesterday.
They’re in a vase on the dining room table.
They’re the most lovely thing I’ve seen all week.
Beautiful patterns, beautiful colors, beautiful symmetry and life energy.
And they’re weeds.
What does this say about the divine, about creativity, about the energy in nature that has essential beauty at the core… beauty and patterns and science, together.
That’s what I want to see myself as: beautiful but ordered.
And I want to always be connected to the divine source of all that energy and beauty.
Always connected, always in me, always available, always giving, always expanding and growing.
PS I stayed up an extra 45 minutes tonight and did a 5-minute pick up that lasted a long time. I want to have the house decently clean as a sign of respect to Jay and me too, and most of the junk laying around was mine. Time to be more of an adult.