What do I love about August?
I love the planets all hanging in the sky.
I love that the crickets start chirping.
I love that the pace of life seems to slow down.
I love the softer air.
I love the easy evenings.
I love being outside almost all the time in some way or another.
I love the events that end up in the summer: weddings, reunions, block parties.
I love sleeping with windows open but a tiny chill so you put socks back on.
Each month seems to have its own feeling and energy. That's what August feels like to me.
- Running almost everyday
- Planets!!
- Final days of Canada hiking trip
- Talks w/ hubs
- Trying to find peace in extended family situation
Next Week:
- Travel well to San Fran and help Auntie #3
- Keep up spiritual practices
- Make a note for what to remember each day and start each day
- Judge less