I've appreciated the broad spectrum of sources Rohr gathers his thoughts and inspiration from. A surprise today was the unveiling of his personal library of books, some 3,000 all told. A true One!
The books span every imaginable subject from Christian theology obviously to psychology, history, sexuality, gender, family life, indigenous life, racism, Greek mythology, rites of passage... literally hundreds of topics. He made an attempt to categorize them in some kind of system as well to allow people to check them out or for his own reference. Donations for the books all go to the Catholic Worker house that is housing immigrants.
What were the high points so far? That the Trinity demonstrates a relationship that we can model, the divine dance. Life with God is one full of life, as God's life is full of life with itself. They have a tapestry that is a three-point celtic knot, demonstrating the interweaving of the Trinity. They also have a large painting that depicts holy people who transcended their own ideologies and time periods to be connected to the great Flow, people from all across time and places in their cultures. It's a beautiful representation of what I imagine God would most hope we could achieve as humans.
We don't live in the present, we live ahead or behind. What does it take to live in the present?
I took in the morning and evening sessions and skipped out in the afternoon to go back to Old Town to look at jewelry, enjoy the community, listen to music, enjoy good food. I walked back and then we went back again later to High Noon.
I'm glad I'm here.