I am just beginning to wrap my head around the reality that the Marriage is slowly moving away from the precipice.
Jay had another counseling session yesterday and I am going again today. We have been in full-on help mode for the unique conditions we both found ourselves in.
Yeah, with all the discoveries being made about our bodies, energy, relationships, it's no wonder we couldn't exist together. Neither of us have had healthy energy in ourselves. How can you have a healthy relationship when your energies are sick?
We had enough positive memories and our nuclear family that kept us in the game together. We hung in there. We didn't want to split, but we were both getting sicker being around each other.
The big breakthrough has been in discovering Jay has an attachment disorder, in addition to or instead of Aspergers. That is changing everything. That he also has found his biological father at the same time, unbelievable. We needed something to shift in the right direction and it has.
My PTSD and sexual abuse has been on the table for several years. Now we know better the equal negative force and exactly what it is, has been and how it will diminish as we move toward health together.