Seriously did not want to go to LA.
It was a long, disjoined week with a lot of errands for the business that I don’t enjoy. Putting up decorations. Making decisions about gifts, parties, etc. Stuff that makes me feel like a grunt, but in reality, no one else can do it. I’m an owner, and I care about these things so they get done a certain way (my way). Hahaha…
It made me tired and desirous of a restful weekend at home.
Planned this months ago, to go with friends to see Rob Bell on his last stop of the Holy Shift Tour.
I’m glad I want, but I was grumpy and not feeling well. It’s so hard to travel when you don’t feel awesome which I don’t, still.
The hotel is funky and it’s a cool venue. We also saw the Minimalists hanging out in the lobby. That was fun.
After the show on Sunday, Jay headed to Anaheim for his event, and I drove south w/ my friends to their home in Laguna Nigel. We went on a hike later and had a nice dinner.
It’s so beautiful down here, beautiful and calm in some ways, bizarre and hectic in so many others.
It depends on your perspective and resources, quite frankly.
Glad to be here.