The difference in 24-hours.
Yesterday, I really struggled with the brooding, moody thinking. It’s exhausting to fight that all day long. Even if you succeed, by the end of the day, you’re just tired.
I was triggered by being at work more, and it’s always discouraging to be in pain.
However, today the pain was subsiding. I took my therapist’s advice and did foam rolling in a different way. I gave myself affirmations all day and just chose to embrace the experience of buying new items for the kitchen in the new space. Jay had mentioned that last night: If you’re going to do it, enjoy it. Just decide that.
We had friends over for dinner tonight and that was a nice change as well. I’d like to have people over more and more. It’s work, but it’s the kind of thing we’ve focused on most of our life. We’ve just slacked off some in the last several years.
I’m grateful for the reduced pain and for a better mental attitude. I proved I can be strong and not have to collapse when things get tough or I need to step up in a new way.
One of the things I need to consistently work on is how much I talk. My tendency is still to hop on top of someone else’s comments. They say something, and I immediately hop on top of it with my own anecdote. It’s probably one of my worst traits. I tend to do it more when I’m feeling more needy and less okay with myself. It’s harder to share the spotlight or attention or energy when I feel depleted myself.
Just keep learning and waking up each day with choices to make.